Thursday, October 21, 2010

Tough Year for Democrats?

The word is out: Republicans are more enthusiastic about voting this year. 


This is seen by some the result of the Republicans taking a different campaign approach this year, one that differs than that of the Democrats and it is proving successful. Dino Rossi seems to be gaining greater awareness among both Republicans and Independent voters. Patty Murray continues to push on, but is well aware of the slight shift. Even the President addressed the difficulty of this year’s election for the Democrats during his visit to Seattle: “It’s because we have been through an incredibly difficult time as a nation.” Murray states that the “difficulties” that occurred these past years have somewhat dampened her image, but they could not be helped and is attempting to gain awareness to this fact. As a result Murray has gained a substantial amount of sympathy supporters as described by the Seattle Times.

President Barrack Obama spoke today, Thursday October 21, 2010, to thousands of Washingtonians in Seattle. With hopes that it would strengthen Patty Murray’s approval and increase her number of voters, the President spoke on her behalf. The importance of every Democrats vote seemed to be a key factor in Obama’s speech. “If everybody that voted in 2008 shows up in 2010, we will win this election. We will win this election. But you’ve got to come out and vote,” were just some of the words of encouragement by the President with hope that it would draw past voters in. 

Prior to the President’s visit, Murray hoped that the presence of Barrack Obama would amplify her supporters resolve as well as sway independent voters. Unfortunately, a recent pole reported by King 5 news shows that while 48% of democratic voters say the presence of Obama, in regards to Murray, would make them more likely to vote for Murray, 39% of independent voters say it would most likely make them swing the other way.

While President Obama was helping Patty Murray’s campaign, Dino Rossi spent his time touring manufacturing facilities in Kent with hopes of “connecting better with his own people.” He also made some rounds to different TV stations. "You know, we just do our own things," Rossi commented to King 5 news after a comparison between his current campaign actions compared to that of Murray’s. While Rossi may be “doing his own thing,” he has recently used similar techniques to that of the democrats. Rossi did invite Elaine Chao, President Bush's former Labor Secretary, to help raise money for his campaigning. While Chao may not be of much competition to the President, as used by the Patty Murray campaign, inviting “stars” is a good and common way to raise money, especially for the Democrats.

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