Friday, November 5, 2010

The Results Are In!

November 4, 2010: Democratic candidate Patty Murray has won the senate race over Republican candidate Dino Rossi. The poll results show Murray received 926,976 votes or 51.26%. Rossi finished with 881,315 votes or 48.74%. On Thursday, November 4, 2010 Rossi conceded after watching the small lead between himself and Murray widening. Upon achieving her victory, Murray thanked all her supporters and promised another successful term.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Too Early to Call

November 2, 2010: As of 8:00 PM, the race between Republican candidate Dino Rossi and Democratic candidate Patty Murray, is still too early to call. In many states, the Republican parties are proving successful and causing a shift of majorities in the House of Representatives as well as a four seat increase for Republicans in the Senate.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Election Day Nearing, Candidates Still Neck and Neck

November 1, 2010 Standings: One new poll on November 1, suggests that Patty Murray is behind Dino Rossi, 50-48, while a Fox News source suggests that Murray is currently leading the election 48% to 47% to Rossi. With such uncertainty about who is currently leading, it is no wonder that this election is proclaimed to be one of the closest elections in years.

November 1, 2010: More expectations about a high voter turnout are arising. Sam Reed, Washington State Secretary of State, is predicting a 66 percent return of ballots. If this high of a turnout occurs it would be the highest turnout for a midterm election in 40 years. 

To ensure a high turn in rate, voters are being encouraged to turn ballots in early. Reminders such as “Voters need to get their ballots turned postmarked by 8 p.m. Tuesday,” are being screamed from television commercials and radio commercials alike.

Snohomish County Ballot Drop-off Locations:

•Arlington Sno-Isle Library, 135 N Washington Ave., Arlington.
•Edmonds Sno-Isle Library, 650 Main St., Edmonds.
•Everett Courthouse Campus, Rockefeller Ave. and Wall St., Everett.
•Lynnwood Sno-Isle Library, 19200 44th Ave., Lynnwood.
•Marysville Sno-Isle Library, 6120 Grove St., Marysville.
•Mill Creek, 159th Pl SE (Post Office traffic island).
•Monroe Sno-Isle Library, 1070 Village Way, Monroe.
•Mukilteo Sno-Isle Library, 4675 Harbour Pointe Blvd., Mukilteo.
•Snohomish Sno-Isle Library, 311 Maple Ave., Snohomish.

Ballots can also be brought to the Snohomish County elections office on the first floor of the administration building, 3000 Rockefeller Ave. in Everett.

If you have any questions, call the elections office at 425-388-3444.

October 31, 2010: The budget cut on Medicare had been discussed. Patty Murray has been heard to say about the health care bill, “Not only did I read it, but I helped to write it”. Dino Rossi in a commercial attacks Murray for this statement and blames her for the 500 billion dollar cut that would hurt seniors, but the question of if there actually had been a cut has been raised.

The conclusion came down to the cuts happening over the next ten years. Democrats support the bill, and the republicans do not support it. We will not know how this will impact for many years. Dino Rossi had more rallies held in Puyallup and Bellevue, November 1. There were more phone calls made to remind people to send in their ballots.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Another Political Celebrity + High Voter Turnout = Critical Election

With recent activity in the Senate, the current race in Washington State between Patty Murray and Dino Rossi looks as though it will be critical in determining which party controls the Senate.

October 28, 2010: For the past few days, there have been reminder calls from to get ballots in for Dino Rossi. Former Washington state governor Dan Evans recorded a commercial to remind people to do this, not by putting down Patty Murray, but by pointing out Rossi’s stand points in his campaign. Patty Murray and Dino Rossi have been in a really close race since the beginning. The last seats in congress may be determined by the outcome of the election.

Patty Murray spoke in Longview on Tuesday 10/26 and discussed what she had done to help veterans.  On Friday, Murray visited Bellingham to discuss small business owners to let them share their views and stories.

October 27, 2010: The election is already over for 71,598 voters in Snohomish County. In a report by the Everett Herald, these voters have reportedly already cast their votes and returned their ballots prior to the November 2nd deadline.

 With Such an early turn in rate, a wholesome and accurate election is expected. Snohomish County Auditor Carolyn Weikel predicts as many as 64 percent of voters will turn out this years due to the particular excitement pertaining to this election.

October 25, 2010: Patty Murray has taken a more Washington-efforts approach in terms of directing her desired reformations. By solicitation means, Murray spoke about attempts to improve the economy and tighten regulations on Wall Street. Republican candidate Dino Rossi feels this move “isn’t effective and could harm small businesses.”

In a further Washington based effort; Murray spoke of her advocacy to have the in state Boeing Co. produce a new generation of military refueling tankers.

 Seen as a response to the Presidential visit to Barrack Obama to support Patty Murray last week, John McCain was said to have “praised” Rossi. During a conference call McCain “praised Rossi’s pledge to forgo ‘earmark’ spending until Congress balances the federal budget.”

Monday, October 25, 2010

October 25, 2010: John McCain, Senator of Arizona, spoke on Rossi’s behalf of banning earmarks. Although McCain would like to see them gone forever, but supports Rossi for wanting them gone in “the short term”, until congress balances the budget. But Rossi would rather see them gone also. Later in the day, Rossi did a conference call saying he is traveling right now, not telling where. His spokeswoman said he was traveling to film another commercial, but also not saying where. Murray’s spokeswoman “says Rossi is running a ‘dirty, hypocritical campaign’, and is attacking Murray ‘for fighting for her state”.
First Lady, Michelle Obama campaigned for Murray in Bellevue. She was accompanied by the vice president’s wife, Dr. Jill Biden. Before the Campaign, they had a luncheon at the house of the co-founder and chairman of Costco, Jeff and Susan Botman. At the second, larger luncheon a few miles away, the ticket prices were cheaper, at 75 dollars with 1400 people attending, and their donations for the campaign. Michelle Obama’s appearance was mostly to motivate and excite Murray’s supporters.
October 23, 2010: Rossi held a victory rally Saturday, in Mount Vernon, Bellingham, Oak Harbor, Port Angeles, and Chimacum.
October 24, 2010: Seattle Times decides Murray is the best choice for Washington Senate. Many other newspapers, such as Everett Herald, Tri City Herald, and several others agree.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Tough Year for Democrats?

The word is out: Republicans are more enthusiastic about voting this year. 


This is seen by some the result of the Republicans taking a different campaign approach this year, one that differs than that of the Democrats and it is proving successful. Dino Rossi seems to be gaining greater awareness among both Republicans and Independent voters. Patty Murray continues to push on, but is well aware of the slight shift. Even the President addressed the difficulty of this year’s election for the Democrats during his visit to Seattle: “It’s because we have been through an incredibly difficult time as a nation.” Murray states that the “difficulties” that occurred these past years have somewhat dampened her image, but they could not be helped and is attempting to gain awareness to this fact. As a result Murray has gained a substantial amount of sympathy supporters as described by the Seattle Times.

President Barrack Obama spoke today, Thursday October 21, 2010, to thousands of Washingtonians in Seattle. With hopes that it would strengthen Patty Murray’s approval and increase her number of voters, the President spoke on her behalf. The importance of every Democrats vote seemed to be a key factor in Obama’s speech. “If everybody that voted in 2008 shows up in 2010, we will win this election. We will win this election. But you’ve got to come out and vote,” were just some of the words of encouragement by the President with hope that it would draw past voters in. 

Prior to the President’s visit, Murray hoped that the presence of Barrack Obama would amplify her supporters resolve as well as sway independent voters. Unfortunately, a recent pole reported by King 5 news shows that while 48% of democratic voters say the presence of Obama, in regards to Murray, would make them more likely to vote for Murray, 39% of independent voters say it would most likely make them swing the other way.

While President Obama was helping Patty Murray’s campaign, Dino Rossi spent his time touring manufacturing facilities in Kent with hopes of “connecting better with his own people.” He also made some rounds to different TV stations. "You know, we just do our own things," Rossi commented to King 5 news after a comparison between his current campaign actions compared to that of Murray’s. While Rossi may be “doing his own thing,” he has recently used similar techniques to that of the democrats. Rossi did invite Elaine Chao, President Bush's former Labor Secretary, to help raise money for his campaigning. While Chao may not be of much competition to the President, as used by the Patty Murray campaign, inviting “stars” is a good and common way to raise money, especially for the Democrats.

Monday, October 18, 2010

October 18, 2010: Further reports on Thursday’s debate reveal that “Patty Murray had claimed to have read all 2600 pages of the health care bill. Murray went on even further as to claim she helped write it.” This stated by Republican challenger Dino Rossi. Rossi responded to Murray’s claim by asking whether she was responsible for the $695 fine imposed on those who “don’t buy her version of health care.” The health care bill played a major role in Thursday’s debate as well as the issue of unemployment. At one pint during the debate, Murray made reference to the present live viewers, describing how they had worked their way through life and now have nowhere to go. While opinions and views were expressed, many were addressed and described by their challenger and in, to say, not the best light.

October 18, 2010: Former president Bill Clinton, Vice president Joe Biden, President Obama and his wife all want Murray to be reelected and are coming to Seattle throughout the next week to help Patty Murray’s Campaign. Meanwhile the Republicans are asking the question, “Does Murray work for Washingtonians or Washington D.C.?”  Dino Rossi campaigned in Seattle International District late this morning. He plans to go across the state to speak with people before the general election in a couple of weeks.

 October 17, 2010: An hour long debate took place on October 17, 2010. Key topics of discussion were conversed, such as the unemployment rate, the health care bill, and Bush-era taxes and tax cuts. On the matter of Murray’s earmark and stimulus spending towards the issue of unemployment Rossi referred to it as “a failure.” Arguing this point is an attempt to further strengthen Rossi’s intention and argument to ban earmarks. Murray, however, argues that Rossi’s “war on earmarks” will eventually translate into “pink slips.”

On the matter of the health care bill, Murray feels that it will cover all citizens of Washington, while Rossi claims it will cost taxpayer 500 million dollars, a tremendous amount that he did not specify on during this debate. Using the phrase “the American Dream,” Rossi also argues that we should not end the Bush-era tax cuts for doing so would be as if we are punishing for succeeding. According to Murray, performing these tax cuts will actually cost the country $1 trillion.

October 15, 2010: On Friday, October 15, 2010 it was shown that Murray was in lead. 50 percent were leaning towards Murray, while 42 percent were leaning towards Rossi.

October 14, 2010: A debate between Patty Murray and Dino Rossi had taken place on Thursday, October 14, 2010 in Spokane, Washington. In this debate the two argued the topic of taxes. Rossi supports Bush’s tax cuts, and Murray argued, “Those tax breaks take away revenue that could be used for Social Security, Medicare and health programs”. Murray is voted for bigger government programs and control of business.
They attacked each other as Murray being the “a big spending liberal” and Rossi as “a friend to wall street and big banks”. Both agreed that the country was headed the wrong way, but for opposing reasons. Murray believes the greed of Wall Street is causing family struggle. But Rossi disagrees, believing it is the uncontrolled amount of spending, like the health care reform bill, which Murray had helped to write and pass.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Dino Rossi literally started from the bottom and worked his way up. The son of a public school teacher, Rossi was highly motivated to pursue a degree in business from the University of Seattle. He worked as a janitor, waxing the floors of the Space Needle, while study in school. After school, Rossi began a career in the business field of real estate. Rossi went on to serve in the Washington state Senate from 1997 through 2003 and also ran for the candidacy of Washington State Governor, but was beat out by Christine Gregoire in what was proclaimed the “closest gubernatorial race in United States history.” After his loss, Rossi resumed his career in real estate only to postpone it once again in order to run as the Republican candidate in the Washington State Senate race currently in progress. Rossi is often recognized for his non for profit organization: Forward Washington Foundation; an organization dedicated to improving Washington State’s business climate.
Patty Murray is a Democratic leader, serving her third term as the first woman in the Washington state Senate, since 1992. She was born in Washington, and graduated from Washington State University. Entering politics was not her plan, but now she is figure for transportation, healthcare, veterans, port and border security and economic development. As the daughter of a World War II veteran, she is the first woman to serve on the Senate Veterans Affair Committee. She also serves on a few other committees with the chair position. Murray has helped pass many Acts and Bills; a few being the SAFE Port Act and 2008 Farm Bill. These are just a few actions and occupations she has made as a senator.